instrument: Keyboards


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Salsa On The Rocks (Jazz, Medium, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitars, Horn section, Keyboards

Very fun, upbeat and smoking salsa track with real horn section, groovy bass, real drums and keyboard, and especially real authentic percussion with conga, clave and shakers. Flowing, sexy and sultry ready for the South Beach nightclub scene. Hot and fun time dancing till you drop. Spicy and sizzling. The percussion and drums pound and add the overall fire to the track. Great for commercials showing a fun and exciting tropical destination.

Scientific Journal (Chillout, Medium, Full Mix, )
instruments: Drum machine, Keyboards

Repetitive, bouncy and fun chillout new age song. Flowing organ, synth lines and poppy drums round out the instrumentation. Great for travel shows, science shows or vacation ads, Moody and mellow but with some drive. Sit back, relax, get the lava lamps out and chill out!

Screams (Hard Rock, Medium-Slow, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitars, Keyboards

A hard driving industrial/goth instrumental rock song with big guitars and huge sounding powerful real drums. Powerful and menacing from start to finish. Sinister and brutal. Scary in nature and perfect for any Halloween or crime/sci-fi movie.

Sexy Sax (Easy Listening, Jazz, Medium, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drum machine, Horn section, Keyboards, Saxophone Melody

A groovy and sensual cool jazz instrumental with a smooth tenor sax melody and a sexy sax section. Ultra cool and hip with an urban jazz vibe. Pulsating and modern but with a slight 70's edge to it. Awesome music for any trendy lifestyle or New York art show, or investigative show like NCIS or Criminal Minds. Stylish and groovy. Great for any corporate video. Perfect for a late night drama or espionage television show.

Silent Whisper (Easy Listening, Medium, Full Mix, )
instruments: Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Keyboards

A beautiful and moody mellow lounge song featuring a flowing acoustic guitar melody, rhythm guitars, lush piano and a groovy bass line. Light and airy. Sensual and loving song ready for the travel channel, documentaries or spas. Evoking beautiful and serene feelings.

Sinister Feelings (Hard Rock, Medium, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitars, Keyboards

A heavy and hard driving instrumental rock song with big razor edge guitars and powerful real drums. Massive and menacing from start to finish. Sinister, brutal and scary in nature. Thick chugging guitars support the distorted synths and loops. The melodic guitars flow over the music like Dracula looking for food! Perfect for any Halloween or crime/sci-fi movie, The Walking Dead or any zombie movie. Great for any military action. Dark, menacing and hypnotic with blazing lead sounds. Trent Reznor meets Rob Zombie.

Sitcom Fun (Big Band, Medium-Fast, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drums, Horn section, Keyboards

An upbeat and fun song featuring a sprite real horn section, groovy bass, jangly rhythm guitars and real drums. Driving and fun, reminiscent of the old sitcoms from the 70's like Bosom Buddies and Happy Days. Bouncy and summery song great for any outdoor family commercial or fun travel trip to a sunny location. Great game show music. Brings out the good times with family and friends. Happy, effervescent and an overall good time from start to finish.

Skipping Along (Easy Listening, Medium, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drum machine, Guitars, Keyboards

Bouncy and fun electro pop instrumental with a light and bouncy vibe. Energizing with a subdued power with the tight real drums and flavorful synthesizers. Good for a road trip movie, family oriented commercials or any high energy and fun television episode. Vibrant and effervescent.

Skipping Stones (Rock, Medium-Fast, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitars, Keyboards

Bouncy and fun pop rock instrumental with a flavor of current country. Energizing with a subdued power with the tight real drums, groovy bass lines and melodic rhythms provided by the electric guitars and piano. Groovy and cool electric guitar melodies. Happy farfisa nestled in the background. Good for a road trip movie, chevy truck commercial or any high energy and fun television episode. Flowing synth strings at the end of the song add a vibrant energy.

Sky Falling (Rock, Medium-Fast, Full Mix, )
instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitars, Keyboards

U2 sounding instrumental with a bit of a psychedelic edge. Droning electric guitar rhythms, spatial delays, swirling synths, and groovy bass and drums. Simple electric guitar melody soars over the top of the music. Flowing, driving and mesmerizing quality. Moody with some grit. Great for luxury car ads, road trip movies, and upscale commercials. The flowing synths give the song a nice driving Enya quality.